Based in Perth, We Design Homes Australia Wide!
Genuine Passion, Guaranteed Results!

The Home Design Process
This is a general, step guide to the processes involved in the Design and Construction of your new home through Boyd Design. While this will vary from project to project, it will give you some idea of what's involved.
More than just a list, you may also discover some handy information about how certain industries operate and how you can achieve the very best results for your new home. You'll also discover that this process is not so scary, you'd be in good hands with Boyd Design.
| Your Home Design Journey
As you're here, you've probably done a great deal of thinking and talking about your new home and are seeking out those who can help you bring it to fruition. Design is where all great homes begin, as nothing turns out great unless it was designed to be.
There's also a good chance you've been trudging through display homes, only to realise your ideal home doesn't actually exist. I can assure you, this is no surprise.
Have you gathered home ideas from magazines and the internet? Perhaps you've even created a Pinterest board filled with amazing ideas. While you may have a clear idea of what you want you want your home to be, you may be finding it difficult to figure out how bring it all together.
With Boyd Design on your side, you don't need to stress about how. I will make it all work, and do this exceedingly well. You only need to think about what. How would be my job.
In fact, even if you have just a sketchy idea about the home you want, or are confused about how to nail down what's best for your particular home, my unique interview process will highlight what will work best for you, your block and your budget.
| Genuinely Personal Service
When you contact Boyd Design, you'll dealing with myself directly. I'll be the one who answers the phone & responds to your emails. In addition, I'd be the one designing your home.
No matter what you perceive from my website, nothing works quite as we a chat on the
phone. You're welcome to call to chat with me about your new home, so please do. Or, if you prefer, send an email detailing your home and I'll either call or send an email reply.
So call today. It costs very little and, through Boyd's vast knowledge and experience, you
may gain some valuable information about your project.
| Money Matters
The house plans displayed on my website were designed specifically for particular clients with particular needs and for their particular block of land. However, I have many people contact me asking "How much to build this house?"
The truth is, it doesn't matter what any of my designs cost to build, it all comes down to the amount of money you have to build with. Your budget will build a home of a specific size & specific finishes. This home may be smaller or larger than the plans you see here.
The fact is, your perfect home isn't on my website, or anywhere else. It exists only in my head and you'll not see it until I design it for you.
The Home Design Process

Making Intial Contact
You don't need to be building building now, or even a year from now, to chat with me as it's never too early to start the conversation about your new home. If you need advice on selecting the right block of land, or anything else related to building your home, please feel free to get in touch. A number of people say to me "If only I'd contacted you sooner". Please don't be one of these people I'm here to help.

Learning About You
I design homes for people, for families. Therefore, I need to understand you, your family and how you function as a family. I'll ask about you, your kids, your pets and about your extended family. For example. do we need to consider a granny flat or do you have visitors stay often and so on. The more I know about you, the better your home will respond to your needs now & many years from now.

Discussing Your Home
Once I understand who the home is for & how it needs to respond to your needs, it's time to learn about the home itself. I'll ask about the rooms you need & how you visualise these being laid out. For example, you may want the master bedroom at the rear and so on. We'll discuss your block & its orientation, you likes, dislikes and the home style which appeals to you. In short, I need to build a picture of your home in my head.

Establishing Your Budget
Now I know what you want your home to be, we'll now establish if this is achievable for your budget. In many cases, the allocated funds are insufficient to build the home described. No need to panic, this is quite normal, we all want more than our budget provides. In most cases, the budget is realistic and others are completely unrealistic. Its most important this is established early.

Delivering My Design Proposal
Once I have a sound understanding of the above, you may request a quote for my design services. I call this my design proposal. This will include a covering letter, describing your home in detail, along with the contract documents. The contract outlines the terms & conditions of service, the price of the service and clearly outlines what's included. My written guarantees are also included in the contract docs.

Engaging My Services
Should you decide to engage my services, you'll need to return the completed docs to me via email. Once received, I'll issue an invoice for your deposit and, once paid, you design will be scheduled. I'll provide you the estimated time to expect your initial design, which is usually between 4 - 6 weeks depending on my workload at the time.

Contour Survey
If you don't already have one, you'll need to arrange to have a contour survey done. This is basically a plan of your block which includes information relating to site boundaries and the existing levels. The survey will also show any connected services and tell me a little about the neighbouring properties. The survey tells me all I need to know about your block.

Council Regulations
While the Residential Design Codes (R Codes) apply nationally, most Councils have made some variations to these which is often called the Local Development Plan (LDP) or Local Planning Policy (LPP). In addition, certain developments come with a set of Design Guidelines which must be adhered to. In view of these variables, we have a chat with Council prior to commencing your design.

Your Intial Home Design
Let the fun begin! Armed with all the information I need, I can now commence designing your home. I'll drink far too much coffee, talk to myself and may do a little hair-pulling throughout this exciting process. Many people ask "Where do you begin your designs?" I always start with the garage because it consumes a good deal of space and usually needs to go in a specific location. I absolutely love everything about this process!

Home Design Changes
Once you receive your initial design plans (floor plan/s & elevations), you'll usually crawl over these with a fine-tooth comb. Grab your red pen and go for it! Once done, you'll report back to me with any changes you'd like to make. Be warned, I'll not let you mess it up! By this, I mean I'm not a "Yes Man" and will speak up if I believe your changes will have a negative impact on your enjoyment of the home as well as its resale value.

Final Home Design
The final home design may be achieved after one round of changes or three round of changes, it doesn't matter how many. What does matter is that you absolutely love everything about your home design. Getting here is usually a smooth process, but can also be quite stressful for some of you. The important thing is that's its done and you love it! Now its time to get some building estimates.

Building Estimates
While I do know the cost of building and design accordingly, we still need to be sure your home design is within the budget. Therefore, we'll invite a few Builders to provide a build estimate. I have a few Builders I can suggest and you're welcome to obtain estimates from any Builder you choose. Should the estimates blow the budget, we'll amend the plans accordingly.

Pool & Landscape Design
With the building estimates sorted, we can now finalise the pool & landscape design. While the pool & landscape are considered during the house design process, I only complete these when I know we have a final house design you love that's within budget. Your landscape design forms an integral part of the home and will look & feel stunning.

Regulartory Items
With a design you love, at the right price, its now time to progress the plans in preparation for building approval. The next step is to arrange regulatory items such as an energy efficiency assessment, BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) and any other item deemed required by your local Council. These items are not included within our scope of works, however, we often assist our clients in obtaining these.

Structural Engineering
All proposed building plans are required to have supporting engineering details when applying for a building license. Not included within our scope of works, these details must be performed by a certified, practicing Structural Engineer. This involves structural details such as concrete footings & slab, beams, retaining walls, the swimming pool and any other structural items included in the plans.

Working Drawings
The working/detail drawings are the final plans we prepare. These drawings are prepared only when all the above items have been satisfied. These drawings include sections, details, plumbing lay-out, electrical plans, cabinet plans and all the other plans required to price, engineer, approve & build your home. There's been a lot of blood, sweat & maybe even some tears in getting to this point. Time to celebrate!

Time to Build
With your plans approved by Council, you're now free to build your home. Whether you're using a builder, or owner-building, you'll still be stuck with me for quite some time. I'm available to assist with material selections, interior design ideas and assist with anything else which may arise throughout the entire process of building your new home. Such a fun & rewarding experience!